Get Stronger in the Snatch With The Stage Snatch High Pull | Olympic Weightlifting Technique

A common theme with people attempting to improve their technique is oinly doing empty barbell/light technique drills, and while these are great, you need to get strong with your newly found technique. The Stage Snatch High Pull is a fantastic exercise to develop strength in the snatch at heavier weights.

To perform, execute A Snatch High Pull as normal, with 3 pauses.

  1. 1” off the ground: This position should have the shoulders above the hips, and the hips above the knees, with foot pressure directly in the midfoot.

  2. 1” above the knee: This position should have the same angles above, but with the shins vertical. Hips still above the knees, and shoulders still above the hips, and most importantly foot pressure STILL mid-foot. It is common to be too far back on the heels here.

  3. Hip/Power Position: This position has the bar in the hips, the torso completely vertical, and the knees still bent. Foot pressure remains in the midfoot here before violently exploding up to complete the snatch.

Check out the video below for a demonstration!

If you know this is something you need help with, then check out our FREE 4 Week Fix Your Shitty Pull Program! Click here to sign up!