The Biggest Problem With Most Squat Programs

If you’re a weightlifter out there that needs to get a stronger squat, you’ve probably experienced many of the popular squat programs.

LSUS is very popular, first with a volume phase of 10s, then a strength phase of 5s, then either heavy 3s or singles. The problem is 10s don’t always prepare you for the 5s, and the 5s don’t always carry over to the 1RM. Remember, it wasn’t designed to. It was designed to improve your strength for the olympic lifts. But if you need a bigger squat, it may not help you out enough!

You may have done Squat Every Day, and while it will FOR SURE increase your 1RM, it’s not easy to recover from, and many people either quit due to burnout or injury. It also doesn’t do what LSUS does, which is develop significant hypertrophy. So while you may have increased the squat 1RM due to skill, it will drop back down when the skill isn’t practiced as frequently.

If you are like me, you probably did Texas Method, and while I am partial to it for beginners, I found that as I advanced, it was getting harder and harder to add 5lbs every week, and sometimes I wouldn’t be able to for months. I also found that while 5s really helped build a base of strength, they didn’t carry over to my 1RM very often.

Each of these methods have their downfall, but I wanted to see if I could put together a program that covered my bases.

Something that got me moving heavy weight for 3’s, 2’s, and 1’s, but also developed muscle mass that generally comes with sets of 10+.

That’s why I put together the Big Bend Squat Program. After testing for nearly a year, I’ve found the solution to both lack of volume, and lack of strength. This program covers it all, and includes accessory work to bulletproof the knees, hips, and back, and is only 2 days per week, making it a great supplemental program to a weightlifting, bodybuilding, crossfit, or even off-season athlete program!

If you want to move some heavy weight, and build some massive legs while you’re at it, click the link below to get your copy today!

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