How To Get Started In Fitness Right Now

With all the spare time we’ve got right now, there’s never been a better time to get in shape. You have so much more control over so many elements of your fitness. Creating habits and developing consistency in your workouts, sleeping properly, only eating food you cook. All the elements are in your control now more than ever! There’s only one problem: All the gym’s are closed! How do you find someone to teach you how to workout without hurting yourself?

There’s plenty of content on Youtube about how to do various movements, but nothing is better than getting a real time coaches eye on you, and a real coach creating workout programs to make sure you don’t overreach your abilities, but gradually progress towards your goals in a safe way.

Not sure where to start?

Pick three exercises to focus on. I would recommend a Squat, Press, and Ab Exercise like the Hollow Body.

Create a progression for yourself, starting with less reps, and add 1-5 reps total each week, or slow the movement down each week, or add 5 lbs each week. Some kind of purposeful progression will help make sure you stay within your abilities, and just make small increases in progress instead of getting too excited and doing too much too fast.

If you want to remove the guesswork, we offer Online Personal Training for those wishing to workout without risking injury or setback. Sessions are held via Zoom or Facetime, and include a customized 3-5 day/wk workout program, 4 days/wk of zoom group classes, and a private Facebook group for accountability, challenges, check-ins, and educational content! Click here to learn more!