We’re starting a BRAND NEW 16-week training block on the OlyStrong 3 & 5-Day Teams, so if you’re looking to start taking your weightlifting seriously, there’s no better time to start!

If you didn't know, weightlifting programs are often designed 12-20 weeks at a time to prepare you to hit the right PRs at the right time.

This means that you'll start with a focus on strength. You'll add 20-30lbs to your Squat, Push Press, and Pull. THEN you'll transform all this new strength into PR's in the Snatch and Clean & Jerk.

I know that sounds so matter-of-fact, but the fact is, I've seen it happen every training cycle I've coached for the last 9 years.

P.S. If you’re reading this now, you can find the FULL 16-Week Program here! The Classic: 16-Week Squat Focused Olympic Program is a GAME CHANGER if you’re limited by strength!

Strength Focus

We’re kicking things off with the hypertrophy phase of our 12-Week Squat Program! You’ll push your 3RM Back Squat, Front Squat, Push Press, and Strict Press, followed by drop sets of tens to help you pack on as much muscle as possible! This is the most important phase of the training cycle because we absolutely NEED to build more muscle before we can try to get stronger and test your 1RMs!

Olympic Lifting Focus

We’re starting off the training block by focusing on technique with the Hip Snatch + Snatch and Hip Clean + Clean Complex. This complex is great at making sure you know how to use leg drive and bar-body contact to get the most out of your pull, and can help improve your speed under the bar for more advanced lifters! Now, you’ll be doing the snatch and clean and jerk nearly every session, but these are what we call the Anchor Lifts.

Along with the anchor lifts we’ll also perform our Base OTM Progression on Mondays and Hip Power Snatch + Power Snatch and Hip Power Clean + Power Cleans on Wednesdays.

Skill Focus

For those on the five-day program, you’ll have some additional skill work on our Skills & Strength Days.

For the snatch, we’ll be doing Overhead Squats to help improve your mobility and confidence at the bottom of the snatch.

For the jerk, we’ll be using one of my favorite variation complexes, the Pause Jerk + Jerk to help improve your technique in the dip and drive, as well as improve your power and speed under the bar for more advanced lifters.

If this program sounds like it’s exactly what you need, then you can now get the FULL 16-Week Program here! It’s got everything you need to set PR’s in theFront and Back Squat, Snatch, and Clean & Jerk! Click here to get your copy today!

And if you didn’t know, whether you’re on the 3-Day or 5-Day team, you’ll always have access to coach messaging, daily video reviews from one of our coaches, and demo videos with full instructions so you never have to worry if you’re doing something wrong!


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