Improve Your Technique, Increase Your Strength, And Set PR’s In The Snatch And Clean & Jerk…Without Paying Hundreds Per Month In Coaching!

If you want to PR your olympic lifts, you’re going to need three things…

  1. Improved technique

  2. Stronger squats, pulls, and presses

  3. More muscle

With the OlyStrong 5-Day Team Program you’ll get access to…

  • Daily technique feedback (just upload your lifts in the app)

  • 5-days per week training including warm-ups, technique work, strength programming, and accessories (sessions approx. 60-90 minutes)

  • Progress tracking via the TrainHeroic App (so you never have to calculate your percentages or remember what your old max is)



The FIRST reason you’re not lifting the weights you want to lift is because of your technique.

If you don’t have your technique dialed in, your lifts will be inconsistent. They’ll feel heavy some days and effortless others, and it feels like you never know when you’ll have a great day or a shit day in the gym.

That’s why your program includes DAILY video feedback on your lifts.

So you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your training and setting yourself up to SMASH PR’s …

not just get away with them.

Ask Away!

Weightlifting can come with a lot of questions.

  • “How do I improve my snatch mobility?”

  • “How should I modify today’s accessory work if I don’t have any dumbbells?”

  • “What’s the purpose of squatting before my olympic lifts instead of after?”

Everyone has questions, and if you’re paying for coaching… YOU SHOULD GET COACHING.

Other programs only let you message them once a week/month… WTF?

We’re here to answer your questions (yes, even the dumb ones), so ask away!

Find Your People.

The SECOND reason you’re not lifting the weights you want is your people.

One of the best ways to get stronger is to change your perspective. Training with people who are all working towards the same goal - setting PRs, is HUGE for making sure you actually train for long enough to get there!

Not to mention that it also helps to have some lifters you can have some healthy competition with!

That’s why I created our discord group - to help you stay motivated, meet up for training, and share your PR’s!

Remember: If you want to go, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

“You WILL See a Difference.” -Sara H.

“I started Coach Brian’s programming to work on snatching and clean and jerks, little did I realize how much of an impact it would also have on my other lifts!!

I can now move 185 with little difficulty, and my squat depth is 10 times better than it had been less than a month ago!

“If you’re on the fence about this programming, get off the fence and push yourself to do this!!! You WILL see a difference.” - Sara H.


“ I added 23kg to my clean, and 30kg to my front squat!” -Alex F.

“…Agreed 100%, I went from a 122kg Clean with a 130kg Front Squat.

Then, I got coached by Brian and went to a 145kg Clean and a 160kgx2 Front Squat”

-Alex F.


“I squat more than all the guys at my gym and they hate it” -Eunice R.

“I push pressed 170lbs for three and they felt light! It’s crazy the amount of strength I’ve gained since working with you in the last year or so.

Also… I’m just saying, no one can say your programs don’t work, I’m a walking billboard!

I squat more than all the guys at my gym and they hate it =)” -Eunice R.

  • The only equipment absolutely required s a barbell, bumper plates, and squat rack. Dumbbells and a bench are not required but good to have.

  • Workouts are written to lat 60-75 mins. This can take loger if you are dilly-dallying between sets.

  • Yes! Simply upload them into the session comments for the day in the app!

  • Each training cycle is 16 weeks long, comprised of four 4-week cycles. You can start at any time, however the beginning of a new 4-week cyce is usually most ideal. In 2024 we start a new 16 week cycle on April 22nd, August 12th, and December 2nd. New 4-Week blocks start 5/20, 6/17, 7/15, 9/9, 10/7, and 11/4.

  • Each training cycle ends wih a re-test for a a Snatch and Clean & Jerk. You can find a competition that falls on our re-test date, or if you plan to compete at any other time simply mesage Coach Brian asking for recommendations for how bet to prepare 2-3 weeks ahead of time!


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