Top 4 Ab Exercises For Olympic Weightlifters

Ever wondered why everyone trains abs the same way but not everyone has the same goals?

If you’re trying to lift MASSIVE weights, or just get strong enough to be able to feel confident lifting, then you need to start training abs like a weightlifter!

For the longest time, everyone trained their abs like a bodybuilder with things like crunches and leg raises, and don’t get me wrong, these are great exercises, BUT if you want to lift heavy, then you should be focusing on maintaining spinal extension.

What does this mean?

Well, every major ab exercise you see in a gym typically focuses on spinal flexion. This means that the spine rounds, bringing the chest closer to the knees.

Spinal extension would then mean we resist our chest being brought closer to our knees.

In weightlifting, maintaining spinal extension is what helps our squats stay upright and our posture maintained in the pull of the snatch and clean.

Whatever we can do to maintain spinal extension means our lifts are more likely to succeed, or fail because of a different limiting factor.

We should also focus on core exercises that are specific to the lifts we train for. If you’re an Olympic weightlifter, then core exercises that improve your front rack position and overhead stability will have greater carryover to your snatch and clean and jerk than crunches and leg raises likely would.

That’s why it makes more sense to focus on exercises like:

1) Hip Extensions

2) Front Rack Carries

3) Overhead Carries

As each of these has a clear and direct carryover to the lifts you train and compete in.

Check out the video below to learn more, and click HERE to download a FREE copy of the “Abs Like A Weightlifter Program”!

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