Big Bend Strength

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New Training Cycle Starts 9/9: 2RM Snatch and Clean & Jerk, Squat 5's, and Heavy Overhead Squats

We’re starting a new training cycle on the OlyStrong 3-Day & 5-Day Teams, so if you’re looking to start taking your weightlifting seriously, there’s no better time to start!

P.S. don’t tell my boss but there’s a 20% off code at the bottom of the article…

Strength Focus

This 4-week block’s strength focus is primarily on building strength in the squat with heavy sets of five. Last month we performed exclusively pause squats for both the front and back squat. This month we are removing the pause and continuing to add strength for the next four weeks.

This will be a grind, but for those who can tough it out, you‘ll see a huge increase in how strong your legs feel, without the additional fatigue of grinding out heavy singles. Remember, we don’t need to test our squat to get stronger, this cycle is all about building strength rather than testing.

P.S. This squat cycle is one of the methods I outlined in the Top-Set Drop-Set Method article, which you can read here!

Olympic Lifting Focus

Last cycle we focused on the 3RM Snatch and Clean & Jerk, and this cycle we’re pushing the 2RM Snatch and Clean & Jerk! Doubles are one of the best ways to both prepare and test your readiness for a new 1RM. You can almost always be certain that if you PR your 2RM, a new 1RM is coming!

We’ll also be using one of my favorite methods for improving your technical consistency, On-The-Minute work! However, instead of using traditional OTM cycles, we’ll be doing doubles every two minutes. This allows us to reap the speed benefits of doubles while also getting the benefit of OTM work.

Skill Focus

For those on the five-day program, you’ll have some additional skill work on our Skills & Strength Days.

The big focus this month is improving your overhead strength and stability. For the Snatch, this means practicing heavy overhead squats. For the Jerk, we’ll be implementing behind the neck jerks to help improve technique and timing in the jerk.

If you’re ready to take your Olympic lifting seriously, then make sure to start your free week trial today! And don’t worry if you’re not able to start right on the 9th, you can always message me in the app to figure out which workout to start with so you can catch up with the rest of the team!

And if you didn’t know, whether you’re on the 3-Day or 5-Day team, you’ll always have access to coach messaging, daily video reviews from one of our coaches, and demo videos with full instructions so you never have to worry if you’re doing something wrong!

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