New Training Cycle: OlyBuilding2.0 Starts 11/4!
We’re starting a new training cycle on the OlyStrong 3-Day Team & 5-Day Team, so if you’re looking to start taking your weightlifting seriously, there’s no better time to start!
P.S. If you’re reading this now, you can get the OlyBuilding2.0 Program here!
This cycle is different than any other training cycle we’ve ever done!
We’re focused on two things…
Dialing in your technique
Building as much muscle as possible
Strength Focus
This 4-Week Cycle we’re focused on four strength lifts, the Pause Back Squat, Pause Front Squat, Pause Bench Press, and Strict Press.
We’ll be using a variation of the Top-Set Drop-Set Method with an AMRAP drop-set to really push yourself to your limits and gain strength and muscle!
Olympic Lifting Focus
This cycle our two anchor lifts (the ones you’ll train to set PR’s in) are the Low Hang Snatch and the Split Jerk from the rack.
We’ll still be training the snatch and clean and jerk of course, with the main focus on increasing your ability to handle more volume with heavy doubles.
Skill Focus
One new thing we’ll be using on this program is Movement Primers, which you can read more about here.
We’ll be using movement primers every session to help you warm up and dial in your technique, and hopefully help you learn some new ways to approach the snatch and clean & jerk!
Bodybuilding Focus
We’ll be using a few tactics to build as much muscle as possible.
First, each session will include 3+ bodybuilding exercises. Each exercise will be taken to or near failure, with the heaviest possible weight for the recommended rep-scheme, and every exercise will be performed with a slow and controlled eccentric. You can read more about why in this article here!
And if you’d like to follow the OlyBuilding2.0 program, you can get your copy below!