Move With Purpose: How to Improve Your Weightlifting Technique

The fastest way for most lifters to improve their technique quickly is to move with purpose. As a beginner, you will often do MANY things with your lifts, but very few of those things are intentional. Feet movement, arm position, catching in power or full, stepping forward, and many other factors can all be solved for the most part by moving with intent.

A good way to do this is with dedicated technical focus on a lift, and self analyzing afterwards. Ask yourself question like “How did that feel, how was the balance, how was the foot pressure, did it feel strong, did it feel disconnected, did you own every position of the lift?”

With those questions answered, you will better be able to make corrections. It just requires focus and intent on your part.

Here’s a challenge for you: Take an empty bar, PVC pipe, dowel, or very light weight, and perform a snatch as slow as possible. Where do you look, where do your shoulders need to be, where is your foot pressure, are you pushing or pulling against the bar etc.

I’d be willing to bet if you are a beginner, no two lifts look the same. If you can begin to make them look and feel more consistent, it will pay off big time!

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