How To Warm Up For Olympic Weightlifting
I've been all over the place with trying different warm ups, and at the end of the day I've found that practicing the movement you are going to perform tends to work more often than not.
Snatch Warm Up
This is a general warm up for the snatch that includes some skill development. This does not include specific drills based on your specific technical weaknesses however, so feel free to add tall snatches, drop snatches, snatch balances etc. as needed.
Perform 5 reps each with an empty barbell of:
Strict Snatch High Pull
Muscle Snatch From Hip
Overhead Squat
Hip Snatch
Hang Snatch
Check out the video below for a demonstration and some points of performance!
Clean Warm Up
This is a general warm up for the clean that includes some skill development. This does not include specific drills based on your specific technical weaknesses however, so feel free to add tall cleans, power cleans, muscle cleans etc. as needed.
Perform 5 reps with an empty barbell of each
Strict Clean High Pull
Clean Turnover
Front Squat
Hip Clean
Hang Clean
Check out the video below for a demonstration with points of performance.
Jerk Warm Up
This is a general warm up for the jerk that includes some skill development. This warm up is largely designed for the split jerk, so if you power jerk, squat jerk, or push jerk, then you will need to modify the last 3 exercises.
Perform 5 reps with an empty barbell of each exercise:
Strict Shoulder Press
Push Press
Tall Jerk
Behind The Neck Jerk
Split Jerk
Check out the video below for a demonstration with points of performance!